
Italian Shoes Brand

Have you ever wonder to buy a good pair of shoes and where they’re made and who makes them? Yeah! I know almost nobody think about this, most of us simply go to the store and pick up the shoes we want.

The Italian brand shoes high profile fashion are created in Italy everywhere Milan, Rome etc… There are many boutique brands linked to many high profile fashion designers like Maison Schiaparelli, Alberto Fermani and Bruno Mangli and many others etc….

These high profile fashion designers create a huge fashionable footwear and in each new season they create new styles, they also design personally for fashion publications.

Maison Schiaparelli is an Italian design house since 1920s. He’s primarily known for its huge work in designing dresses between 20 and 50 decades and had he’s popularity revival since 2006.

On the other hand, Alberto Fermani is a fashion house who base his work mostly to footwear and accessories, it makes sandals, ankle boots and evening shoes.

These designers collections are sold in boutiques and shops of all sorts.

Bruno Magli is a family owned Italian business that started out as small design house and has grown into the footwear business around the world. He’s a strong presence on the runway circuit and ” is very popular brand among the celebrities and other members of the global elite.” Woman